This seemed so long ago. Artwork: Luke Wallin
Charles Entrekin
CHARLES ENTREKIN’S most recent works include The Art of Healing, a transformative poetic journey (Poetic Matrix Press, 2016); Portrait of a Romance, a love story in verse (Hip Pocket Press, 2014); The Berkeley Poets Cooperative: A History of the Times, a collection of essays and poetry (Hip Pocket Press, 2013); Listening: New and Selected Works (Poetic Matrix Press, 2010); and a novel, Red Mountain, Birmingham, Alabama, 1965 (El Leon Literary Arts, 2008). Charles was a founder and managing editor of The Berkeley Poets Cooperative and The Berkeley Poets Workshop & Press, founder of the Creative Writing program at John F. Kennedy University (Orinda campus), and a co-founder/advisory board member of Literature Alive!, a non-profit organization in Nevada County, California. He is editor of the e-zine Sisyphus, a magazine of literature, philosophy, and culture; author of the WordPress blog Rhymes and Ruminations; and managing editor of Hip Pocket Press. Charles is the father of five children and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife, poet Gail Rudd Entrekin.